Seeking Oakland School spreadsheet

Hi - I am a mom of a 4 year old and i am looking to create a spreadsheet to begin looking at options for Oakland Public schools and charter schools.   I was wondering if anyone might have this information already organized into a spreadsheet of schools.  Some things I might include on this are name, location, # of K classrooms, level of impact, pro/cons. I'm about to create one but would prefer not to reinvent the wheel of someone would be willing to share.  Thanks, Andrea

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I’d say don’t even bother because OUSD just assigns you to your neighbhood school no matter what you put down 99% of the time. 

You might get into a desirable charter or Kaiser elementary but not much else. 

Good luck

I don't have such a thing, but found the SARCs to be an interesting starting point -

Having just gone through the process, be careful when you fill out your list if you live in a very popular district.  We did not get placed in our neighborhood school, and were placed in a school not on our list as I had only put 4 on our list thinking that one of those would certainly have a spot.  I did not know this at the time, but if you do not get placed into a school on your list, then you will be placed in another school in your middle school district.  In our case, that school was not a good match for us.