Seeking homework helper for 6th grader

Hello. My 12 year old daughter is struggling to complete homework. She has very little confidence and believes that nothing she does helps to improve her scores. I am looking for a homework helper/tutor to help her plan her week and complete her homework. Grateful for any recommendations, especially someone who can come to our home or meet in Thousand Oaks area of Berkeley. Thank you.

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We had a similar problem and having a tutor really helped us. Confidence levels have grown and he is slowly not needing the tutor as much as he needed. Also, my son did not want me to be the tutor and it helped keep our relationship intact.  Amy (lives in Oakland) was a lifesaver for us. She helped my son with language arts and history homework. She was super patient and indirectly helped him stay organized as well. She can be reached at 415-572-9908. Wishing all the best!