Seeking After School Continuity

Hello Wise Parents,

I am going nuts seeking consistent after school care for my 1st & 5th graders (attending Rosa Parks).

What do you recommend? ISO a care situation (ideally where they don't have to transition locations. We are waitlisted for on-site LEARNS and considering JCC and others) that provides: 

  • lasts at least until 4:30 if someone else does transport, or until 5 or 6 if I have to transition them from school to the other location
  • some form or structure or enrichment and physical exercise
  • not chaotic (reasonable adult-to-child ratio/auditory environment or outdoors)

Dream fantasy would be a free swim/rec swim pool where they can hang with friends, but all I see are 30min. swim lessons (except Barracudas, which my 5th grader doesn't like).

Help! This situation seems so tough for working parents. What am I missing?


Parent Replies

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The City of Berkeley after school program at James Kenney does bussing from Rosa Parks. You register through the city's parks and recreation portal. It looks like the next round to register is for care starting 10/18, but you should ask about any availability before then. 


It's a little tough to find something at the same program for both those ages, I think. For the 1st grader, have you considered New School? Not sure if it's too late to get in for this school year, but if you can set it up, BUSD buses there from most elementary schools and it goes until 6. I think it meets your other criteria too though no pool! But I don't think it goes through 5th grade, so that would only take care of one--but might be other options for older kids I'm not as familiar with.


We are in the same boat.  

Our Rosa Parks first grader also got waitlisted for LEARNS and James Kenney, despite signing up early.  Our third grader got into LEARNS for some reason  Last year it was switched, the younger kid got in but not the elder one.

This is not optimal.  Will be following.  If nothing else pans out, I wonder if there are enough families needing care/ afterschool activities to organize our own thing.  Suggestions welcome.