Seeking adult textile workshops/ classes + art practice community

I am hoping to reignite an art practice and am interested in taking a textile workshop or class to learn fabric applique, bojagi, or natural botanical-based fabric dying. I'm also up for meet ups with other parents with similar interests to swap ideas/ skills/ or just talking about balancing parenthood and creative pursuits! 

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Look into Richmond Art Center.

I think the Richmond Art Center is a go-to spot for textile arts and classes. Fall classes starting soon!

I haven't been to this place in Oakland yet, but follow them on social media. Looks like something you'd be into!

I started getting the Richmond Art Center newsletter and their classes look great! You might try asking one of the textile instructors about these specific techniques.  I am interested in a meet up like that about creativity too!  But for me it's going to have to wait until 2024.