Searching for pet rat sitter

I know this is a long shot but does anyone know of a local person who takes in pet rats for a few days or weeks for a per day fee? We transport our three sweet rats all the way to Mountain View where the breeder lives as she also provides boarding services, but sometimes it’s just too far, esp when we are gone for only two days. The rat sitter would need to have an outfitted cage (e.g. single or double Critter Nation with hammocks, litter box, water bottle, etc) with no other rats. 

Thank you for any leads!

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No other rats?  That's pretty particular.  We always used North Star Rescue in Vallejo.  She's lovely and always did a great job.  But lots of other animals, in separate cages.


We always just had a friend/neighbor come to our house to feed and play with the rats while we were gone - especially if it's just 2-3 days, it's a lot less stressful for them not to be moved, and we never had much trouble finding a local teen who was interested in rat-sitting in that manner.  We've also hosted classroom-pet rats, over weekends and school holidays, who arrived in their own cage.  I doubt you'll find someone who has a Critter Nation setup with no other rats; I'd instead either have a sitter come to them, or send your ratties to a sitter's home in their own portable, outfitted cage (this one is large enough for three, on a temp basis, but small enough to transport fairly easily: )


Just wanted to thank the person who posted about North Start Rescue in Vallejo. Great resource and definitely a place to consider! And by “no other rats” I just meant no other rats in the same cage. I’m totally fine with other rats and animals in separate cages of course. :) Thank you again!