Rockridge--in Canada?

Hi, we will be relocating to the Vancouver, BC, area from the Bay area in about a year. Because of the global pandemic, we haven't been able to visit regularly and browse neighborhoods in person. My partner is not concerned about where we end up renting, but after looking online, I am getting anxious that the city doesn't have what I want: a walkable, Rockridge-type neighborhood with a "high street" or main business district. Instead, from what I see, that only exists around high-rises in downtown and the West End. Are there no SFH neighborhoods with a traditional shopping street that families can walk to? (I'd be lying if I didn't mention I wish it could be as charming as College Ave. also.) Signed,

My Heart Belongs to Oakland

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Rockridge--in Canada? (Dec 7, 2020)

Hi there! I lived in Vancouver for 4 years and there are definitely little neighborhoods like you describe. Kitsilano has sort of an upscale Berkeley vibe (think North Berkeley) with quite little cafes and such, that's where I lived and I loved it because it's super close to the beach which is lovely during the summer. The commercial drive area feels more like Rockridge, maybe a bit busier, but is the most east-bay similar in terms of community and general earthiness. The area around Main street is also nice, it's a bit more modern and trendy feeling but also has a strong community vibe as well. 

One thing I should say, as a Bay Area native I found moving to Vancouver to be a bigger cultural shift than I expected. The people up there feel a bit more buttoned up than your standard Oaklandite. But they are very sincere and kind, it took me at least a year to feel comfortable there but once I was I made friends for life. Best of luck in your transition! 

Rockridge--in Canada? (Dec 7, 2020)

I lived in Vancouver from 2009-2016 before moving to Oakland. Happy to chat with you about what neighborhoods might be a good fit for your family if you're interested! There are definitely a few options for what it sounds like you're looking for.

Rockridge--in Canada? (Dec 7, 2020)

It is hard to match College Ave, honestly.  The closest comp in Vancouver is likely Kitsilano near 4th and Arbutus.  Vancouver is wonderful though - good luck!

Rockridge--in Canada? (Dec 7, 2020)


I grew up in Vancouver and while I haven't lived there for almost 30 years, my mother does and tons of cousins so I'm there pretty regularly. You can definitely find what you are looking for there. My brother, who moved back to Vancouver last June, wanted exactly the same thing and found it along Main Street. Commercial Drive also has several nice neighborhoods. On the West Side, Kerrisdale and Kitsilano are also very nice as well as the neighborhoods out toward UBC. I found this website which seems to accurately describe what I remember: You didn't mention kids or other types of location questions (commute, friends and family proximity, etc.) but North Vancouver, West Vancouver (which is actually a separate city) and Burnaby all have neighborhoods with the kinds of characteristics you mention. There's a good bus system and Skytrain, like BART, makes the whole area quite accessible. Hope that's helpful! Happy to talk further.

Rockridge--in Canada? (Dec 7, 2020)

I’ve never lived in Vancouver, so others may be more knowledgeable. But my daughter attended UBC for undergrad, and I visited quite a few times. Neighborhoods that you might like are Main Street and Kitsilano.
I LOVE Vancouver, and I’m envious. It’s such a beautiful city!

I will also recommend my favorite cafe, Cafe St. George, in Riley Park, another charming neighborhood not far from Main Street. I wish there was something like it here!