Recent Reviews of the Clark Kerr Campus Infant Program

Hello, our baby has been offered a spot at the Clark Kerr Campus, and everything I've read is amazing, but seems to have been from 4+ years ago. Would anyone whose child has more recently gone through the program be willing to share some thoughts? What is your favorite aspect of the program? What do you wish were different? And how long did it take for your baby to adjust?

Parent Replies

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The infant room at Clark Kerr is part of the Early Childhood Education Program - they have other sites on Haste, Dwight, and University Village. I haven't seen the space, but I know the staff are excellent. I've had both children go through ECEP at three of the four sites and we have always been happy. Each of the sites are very well organized, clean, and age appropriate. The teachers are loving, consistent, and are total pros with children. Mr. Kim from UC Dining delivers food for the children a few times a day. It's a high quality nutrition program and I can't underscore the importance and convenience of this enough. Administration isn't always the most responsive with communication, but we couldn't be happier with our time at ECEP.