Please share your likes and dislikes of this school!? Are the children prepared for beyond high school

I am looking for feedback on Northern Light School in Oakland? There is very little current feedback on the internet from Parents-any information on the current curriculum?! Any information on the schools enrichment programs. Reading labs , math labs and stem programs. Are they up to date on modern teaching technology!? Thanks! From a parent looking for a school that has a lot to offer. 

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For transparency, I'm a former parent who has since moved my student. Northern Light is a very loving, nurturing, and supportive environment that has a large amount of diversity. There's a lot of emphasis on creating a kind school community through morning circle and  their speaker's series  However,it lacks ongoing support of the enrichment programs like stem and technology. There was one teacher that taught robotics and coding but she left and no one jumped in to take it on. There's a rather outdated computer lab and some chrome books, however. I found that the academics were lacking and that there was too much teaching to the lowest performing student and there were quite a few disruptive kids. There isn't enough emphasis (IMO) for robust curriculum development and implementation.  If you are looking for a safe school that will hug your child, it is lovely. If you are wanting that plus enough rigor for your kid to be prepared for high school and beyond, you might should keep looking.