Personal trainer for 40-yr-old man who loves basketball?

Hi BPN --

A friend turns 40 next month, and is feeling his age.  His true love is basketball (purely recreational, that is!), and he feels like his skills aren't what they used to be.  I'm thinking about getting him some personal training sessions for his birthday, and am wondering if anyone has advice on a really great, local personal trainer.

The ideal person should be able to do most of the below:

-Able to meet at his house in El Cerrito or in nearby park in evenings and on weekends

-Can make working out fun, social, and sporty, rather than just a chore

-Can help him get back into a regular exercise routine, so that he keeps at it, well after the sessions are over

-Would be able to work in some drills specifically designed to improve basketball performance, e.g. knows basketball skills well

-Personable, nice, fun, can push in a non-annoying way

-Has reasonable rates for a substantial package of sessions, e.g. 30+ sessions

Thanks so much for any and all advice!

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How about some basketball lessons with a coach? Maybe contact the Berkeley YMCA