Peralta Merging with Sankofa?

A study commissioned by Oakland District 1 School Board Director Jody London offered the idea of a merger between Peralta (Great Schools rating: 8 out of 10) and Sankofa (Great Schools rating: 1 of out 10).  The idea would be that Peralta would after 137 years no longer exist as a standalone, fully independent school but rather: "Peralta is space challenged and, because it is all on the ground floor, is ideally suited for the lowest grades of elementary school. Sankofa is only three blocks from Peralta and is chronically under enrolled. It was suggested that overcrowding could be relieved at Peralta by using the space for TK-2 classes for Sankof and Peralta students while Sankofa could host grades 3-5. Because the two schools were in July 2017 both undergoing searches for new principals, this could be an ideal time to rethink the programs at both schools." Source:…

This idea will be discussed at a meeting on December 6th, 2017, at 6:15pm, at Oakland Technical High School (Library), at 4351 Broadway, Oakland apparently.

Has anyone heard about this or know anything further about this? And is anyone willing to attend?

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I heard this was a possibility while touring Sankofa last week and I think it could make a lot of sense to combine the schools for variety of reasons.

There are two Blueprint meeting tonight and there will be four others this week:


I'm confused by your posting title referring to "closing" Peralta. Sounds like a merger that might make a lot of sense. I'm not sure what would change about being "fully independent." I live in the area and wish I could attend the meeting tonight. Thanks for bringing up the topic. I hope the issue will be addressed with open minds about how to serve all OUSD students whole will thrive.


At the meeting apparently, it was said that it was just an idea with no immediate plans for implementation, and that in any case Peralta would NOT be closed if it ever happened. This post was not too on-point. Sorry about that!!