Outdoor Tai Chi Classes in Berkeley/El Cerrito

After spending too much time in my head these past few years, I am looking to ground myself in my body through a meditative physical activity. I'm intrigued by Tai Chi, however I'm having trouble finding beginning level classes, particularly ones that are held outdoors.  Can you recommend any beginning level Tai Chi classes that are held in an outdoor setting in the Berkeley/El Cerrito area? I'm open to other meditative forms of physical activity so please let me know if there are ones that you might suggest! Thanks in advance for your input.   

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Wen Wu School in El Cerrito on San Pablo just north of Central is excellent.

They have a paved back area. There are also spinoff practice groups that meet in parks.

There is a class held on weekday mornings at Codornices park. I used to see it back in May/June this year, several times a week, around 9-9:30am. Sorry I don't have contact info or specific days but it was definitely open to new students as I sometimes saw people approach and join after a short talk with the instructor.