OUSD School Appeal Help

HI BPN family,

We moved to Oakland last year and our children currently still attend school in Alameda. Since our eldest is entering 6th grade and we no longer have an Alameda address, we are moving them to Oakland Schools.  We applied for schools and submitted our applications (For our soon to be 6th and 2nd graders) and our 2nd grader was assigned to our catchment school (Burckhart -which was not one of our choices).

Please give me tips/suggestions on successfully appealing.  We are looking to get my 2nd grader into Joaquin Miller or Redwood Heights Elementary.  My 6th grader will likely (waiting on placement information still) be attending Montera Middle School. 

We are a gay family and would prefer to be in schools with more gay parents to avoid my kids being teased/bullied (it's already started in their current school).

Thank you in advance!

Parent Replies

New responses are no longer being accepted.

At our OUSD schools, they suggest that you make yourself and your situation known with the school offices and keep in touch with them about possible openings. Also, there is a "shuffle" at the beginning of  the year and the first week of school is often an opportunity to get a spot.


If you have ever discussed the teasing issue with a professional (pediatrician, therapist), you might attach a letter from that person to verify your child's needs for a safe environment in which self-esteem will not be undermined.