OUSD to Piedmont Transfer

Hi there, has anyone successfully applied for and received a transfer out of OUSD to Piedmont public schools without one of the acceptable reasons that OUSD lists on their website? I could possibly use the child care reason, but it's not strong. We live three houses from the Piedmont border and already part of the community and since Piedmont needs students, this seems like an excellent options for us, but need OUSD to release us first. FWIW, my child attends private school and has not been enrolled at OUSD and we are not considering enrolling at OUSD, so it's not like OUSD will be losing government funding by approving the transfer. Thank you in advance.

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Our experience transferring from OUSD to Piedmont was that the OUSD approval was very quick and easy, coming within a day or so of submitting the paperwork. The main hurdle was getting Piedmont to approve the transfer in (which was a numbers game). The recognized reasons for transferring out sound intimidating, but you don't need anything ironclad. In addition to whatever you can say about childcare being more convenient, you can just sayin something along the lines of Piedmont provides better programs (whether that be art, music, a particular language, general academics). My kids were in the grandparent-resident preference category and we cited childcare and Piedmont's better academics (without being quite that direct). Now that Piedmont is actively soliciting transfers and there may be a lot more applications to transfer out, I don't know if OUSD will change its tune, but hopefully you don't have any trouble with that piece of the process. Good luck!


Do you know if you lose your potential spot for OUSD schools if you get approval and then apply (and wait) for acceptance at Piedmont?The deadline to apply for a transfer is coming up fast, before OUSD sends out school assignments.


I asked Piedmont that question and they thought "no, you didn't lose your spot", but she didn't know for sure.