Occupational therapist for a preschooler?

Recommendations for an OT for preschooler with sensory seeking tendencies and impulse/anger control? Preferably in Oakland. Thank you!

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Hmmm…well, just fwiw, “sensory seeking” and “lacking anger/impulse control” are kind of the baseline definition of what it means to be a perfectly well-adjusted toddler. If your toddler is somehow outside the norm (and normal in these departments can be pretty extreme), I’d first talk to your pediatrician and get a referral from them. Behaviors truly outside the norm often have underlying medical causes that an OT wouldn’t be able to test for/diagnose but an MD would. 

My son with hf asd and spd has been going to CPMC Kalmanovitz Child Center in SF since 2018. We’re in Oakland and I hate the drive, but its worth it. Nice gym and insurance covers it. He sees Sydney Lew, OTR. She’s patient, kind, and knowledgeable. There’s other therapists as well.

I highly recommend Lee-Anne Bloom (http://www.lee-anne.com/oakbloom) based in the Oakland Hills. Her specialties are sensory processing, ADHD and Autism Spectrum. She was amazing with my ADHDer/Sensory seeker. We worked with her for several years, starting when my child was in preschool. With her expertise, my child and we as parents, learned and were able to implement many tools to help with sensory, emotional and social regulation both at home and school. My child loved seeing her and her support made all the difference for our family and our child’s success.


Liz Isono in Berkeley is wonderful or try Sara Stutz in Albany. Both work with sensory seekers who have emotional regulation challenges. Sara is actually a PT but has been doing sensory work for a long time and is extremely knowledgable and warm. 

 Nan Arkwrite from a hop, skip and a Jump ahead is great.   She can work wonders.  We have met with her 1:1 and she also has socialization groups.  Here is the thing....She is in walnut creek.  I think it's worth it.  Closer, is Liz Osono.  She is also great, but is hard to get in to see.  Best of Luck!