OBs with PMDD/PMS Experience

Wondering if anyone can recommend an OB at Kaiser Berkeley or Oakland with experience treating a variety of PMDD symptoms including severe mood swings, fatigue and nausea, ideally with holistic considerations. New to Kaiser and experiencing worsening symptoms (freshly) on the other side of 40. Thanks in advance!

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Hi! Just posting as I’m also looking for the same thing, in Sutter Health or non-Keyser insurance. 
My obgyn just suggested going on the pill for PMDD as it regulates hormones, but to be honest I do not need that. There should be better answers. 
Would acupuncture help?


I don't have an OB to recommend, but I had very helpful conversations with my regular doctor about PMDD symptoms (in my case extreme sadness and anger/irritability). She didn't seem to think these issues were out of her scope. For what it's worth, I ended up trying a low dose of an SSRI, and found tremendous relief that way. 


Hi there, I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with this, and I hope you find a supportive OB. As an acupuncturist I can attest that acupuncture as well as herbal medicine can both make a significant difference with PMDD. Make sure your acupuncturist has treated PMDD before and specializes in women's health. Symptoms typically start to change by the next cycle if you're able to do weekly treatment and herbs. Best of luck!