Oakland School of the arts for rising sophomore

Any first hand info on this school is appreciated. Is it impacted? Difficult to be admitted?Good for girls who feel "different". Did your child thrive there? We live in Lamorinda and my daughter is having a terrible time fitting in. Of course Covid hasn't helped. She is depressed and anxious. When we come in to Berkeley or Oakland she lights up because she sees people/kids who look more like her. She loves art and has some skills so she wants to give this school a try. Thank you for any insight/info. She will be a sophomore next year.

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My daughter found her people there. She blossomed, making connections with like minded cohorts. In my experience, arty kids are a little off beat, more sensitive, deep thinkers and don't click with the usual tribes in the average high schools.

Most of the OSA teachers were exceptional and really understood the kids. Our experience is 6 years old now but I imagine the kids are the same.