How is Montera for 5th grader with IEP?

Montera is our neighborhood school. My son is starting 5th grade at Joaquin Miller. He has a mild case of cerebral palsy, but i fear him being able to protect himself if he gets into a fight. He also has an IEP.

Does anyone have any current information about the environment at Montera? And the academics?

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Please sign up for Montera's Weekly eBulletin to learn more about the school. It is a wonderful community with supportive parents, admin, teachers, and staff. Outreach will be contacting JM's 5th grade families for tours and Q&A sessions in the next few months.

As the mom of a current Montera student and 2 alumni, I'm confident that unless your son is the type of kid who *starts* fights, he won't be in a fight. It's middle school, so everyone is basically in the process of pupating and some kids handle it better than others, but from what I've seen while volunteering on campus on a weekly basis last year, the majority of kids are understanding and even a little protective of kids with challenges. We've been satisfied with the academics, and academics are a stated top focus for the administration this year so I think they will continue to improve as everyone recovers from the 2020-2021 Zoom years.