Nutritionist for vegan in perimenopause?

Hi there, seeking a referral for a nutritionist or dietitian who is vegan or vegan-affirming who can help with an eating plan to best support exercise and weight loss in perimenopause.  Thanks in advance!

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Hi! I’m posting as I’m also quite interested in the responses. It’s difficult to find nutritionists that understand a vegan diet. 

Check out a company called InWella (Integrative Wellness Arts). It's a woman-owned hormone-focused company that really helped me with my perimenopause issues and weight gain. I am also a long-time vegan. While not a vegan program, per se, the company itself focuses on women in peri and menopause who deal with weight loss resistance and are guided through proper nutrition, regardless of where you lean on diet. It's virtual coaching too, which makes it easy to commit.