Nanny Share Regulations

Hi Bay Area Parents,

I'm a new parent and was researching nanny share arrangements. I read on the BPN website that: "The CCLD regulations do not specifically address a situation where the childcare provider comes to the child's home, even if she/he is caring for children from more than one family. As long as the care takes place in the home of one of the children, and no one who lives in the home is providing supervision or care, then a CCLD license is not required."

I'm concerned my landlord may try to prevent me from having a nanny in my home provide care for my child and a friend's child or alert the CCLD that we are "operating a day care without a license." Does anyone have additional resources or experience on this topic? Have any parents successfully argued this position? Any help or guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


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Nannyshares are license-exempt in California, so from the perspective of legality and the CCLD, you're fine. A license is only required if the care is provided in the nanny's home. However, your landlord could certainly choose to ask that you not host the share, and would probably be within his/her rights to do so. Do you have reason to believe that they will object to it, though? It makes sense to let them know, but unless there is some history there, I wouldn't expect the landlord to care, beyond perhaps making sure you have appropriate insurance in place (which you should have anyway--you need a workers' comp policy since your standard renters' policy won't cover liability). We were part of a share hosted in a rented home and I honestly don't think it ever came up one way or the other.


You might find some insight through Hand in Hand: the domestic employers network...