MFT programs in the Bay Area - career change

Hello! I've been thinking of going back to school for a MFT license. I'm in my 40's, have a degree in art and have been a SAHM for the last 7 years so it's very daunting and scary to even think of this drastic career change. I wanted to reach out and see if any of you have gone through similar experience and if you are happy with your decision. Would love to connect with any of you who can answer some of my questions. 

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Just wanted to encourage you to look into social work programs as well as MFT programs. With a masters in social work you can also get licensed and offer therapy. The process of collecting hours is usually faster on the LCSW track, and sometimes it’s easier to collect hours (post grad school) in a paid job. On the other hand, social work training is broader and not just focused on therapy. Either way it’s a great field and apparently there’s a shortage of therapists right now. Good luck!!

I was a sahm for 6 years when I enrolled in the Wright Institute's counseling psychology program. Loved it. I realized I was far better trained for “being in the room with clients” when I started my practicum in 2nd year and worked with others from Alliant (now closed program) and JFK. Be ready to look at your whiteness if you’re white, be ready to deal with others interesting personalities and get a meal service delivered even if it’s just you to feed. Good luck, moms have tons of experiences that are more valuable than being 23 years old and fresh outta Stanford, just sayin. Feel free to reach out if you need help reviewing your entrance essays! I don’t know where the comas go, but I do know good content. Been there, doing that, you got this, jump

in :) 

I changed my career at 37 to become an MFT. I went to CIIS (California Institute of Integral Studies), and did their weekend program. The weekend program had a lot of older people who were changing careers, which was wonderful. It was an amazing journey. I wouldn't change it for the world, and it was a wild ride! Feel free to contact me if you want to talk more.