Looking for a school for my science-loving second grader

Dear all,

My family is moving to Oakland in mid-December from overseas. (We will only be there temporarily, until August, when we return to our home in Beirut, Lebanon.) I am looking for a good, not too expensive, private school for our second grade daughter in case she cannot get into the neighborhood public school of Cleveland Elementary. (We haven't been able to register for public school since we can't yet prove residency in Oakland.)

We are considering Walden, which sounds like an amazing place in so many ways and fits our smaller budget. However, our daughter loves science and math in particular and although she loves art and music, she hasn't been as crazy about art classes and has no experience with drama (Walden is arts-integrated).

I wonder if there is another good school option we should consider that emphasizes science, nature, gardening, for example, more than performing and visual arts.

Do you have any advice or suggestions?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


Parent Replies

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Prospect Sierra, if they have space.  Amazing science program and many activities that connect kids with nature.  Fabulous school! 

Alumni parent


You have got to check out Black Pine Circle!  I cannot imagine a better school for a STEM-oriented child, particularly girls, and on top of that, their arts program is also quite strong.



Thank you for the suggestions. Prospect Sierra looks fantastic but is too much of a commute from where we will be staying. I wrote to Black Pine Circle, but it's been about 2 weeks and I still haven't heard back from them. I'll try once more. Meanwhile we've applied to Walden. Thanks again.