Looking for part-time caregiver for father with Alzheimer's

Hello - I'm looking for advice about how to find a part-time in home caregiver for my senior father with Alzheimer's. We are interested in someone who could come 5-10 hours a week. Many of the elder care companies require a minimum of 20 hours/week so I was curious if anyone had specific recommendations of where to find someone. 

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My mom found good CNA options for my dad using Care.com.  Most of the people there are independent so it requires that you interview and vet them, but she has been quite happy with those she has found.


24 Hour Home Care does not have weekly hour minimums. 

id recommend talking with your father’s PCP or neurologist to see if they have a clinic social worker who can get you a better list. I know there’s one available to KP members. 

A Love for Seniors, ask for Janet Ruehle she will help you find a caregiver no problem