Laser Hair Removal for teenage child

Hello Parents,

I have unfortunately passed down my 'hairy' genes to my child :) She has hairy arms and legs. Her hair is dark and she currently shaves her legs when she wears dresses/shorts. While she has made peace with the hair on her arms (though used to wax it earlier doesn't care about how it looks now) she is still extremely conscious of how her hairy legs look. 

She has heard of laser hair removal and wants to look into it for herself. None of her friends have done it because they do not have the same challenge like my child so we have zero idea of what it is about. Is it safe? Does it hurt? How long does it take? I am looking for recommendations of places (Oakland, Berkeley, Pleasanton, Dublin, Walnut Creek etc...) and would also appreciate knowing if anyone knows of negative side effects of laser hair removal. 

Much appreciation for your input/insight

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Laser hair removal does work for dark hair, Kaiser in WC had a derm center where they used to performed such procedures, open to the public as well, the fees were something like a cost for turning on the laser $100 and then $1 per hair? that could be outdated pricing--It's pricey, does the job, but is painful, I think you can use topical lidocaine before the procedure, and it is permanent for those hairs. It doesn't work on light hair or peach fuzz, so despite the issue, she's a good candidate.  Just to let you know ancient Egyptian Sugaring method is a less harsh than waxing. My skin was too sensitive for waxing, and sugaring is much gentler with the same results. 

Good luck!