Lakeview Preschool - recent reviews?

Anyone have recent experiences with Lakeview Preschool? It looks like a wonderful place, but the reviews here are a few years old. I’d love to hear from parents about their experiences with the curriculum, neighborhood, teachers, and administration. 

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My son is in his second year at Lakeview and we love it. He has gown so much. He was in a home-based daycare/school while we liked it he lacked more structure. The teachers are wonderful and caring. We wanted to continue his bilingual education, while it's not bilingual they do teach a Spanish segment and the curriculum is international and each week they learn about a new region around the world. They do that with food, words, animals, customs and books about that part of the world. Parent involvement is requested but not expected and the Lakeview school has paired up with a few schools in Berkeley, but Lakeview has it's own head administrator is very nice and responsive. I would recommend Lakeview to anyone. Feel free to reach out if you have more questions. 

This is decidedly NOT a recent review of Lakeview Preschool, but I wanted to weigh in to say that Lakeview is absolutely AMAZING. My daughter is now 31, and she and I remain eternally grateful to Madeline and Kathy for their nurturing care. My daughter still talks about how much she loves Lakeview. When my daughter was 3 she was diagnosed with significant speech problems and was receiving 3 times a week speech therapy. Every local daycare rejected her because of it and said they were not equipped to handle "special needs".  Madeline met with my daughter and assessed the situation and concluded that my daughter would do just fine with some help. My daughter went on to learn to speak quite well and overcame most issues while at Lakeview. She went to medical school and is now a cardiac anesthesiologist and speaks just fine! The attitude at Lakeview is that lots of kids have issues and you work with them. They are loving, creative, sensible, and incredibly tuned into the  kids. You could not do better than to send your child there. I remain an extremely grateful parent.