John Muir enrollment?

Hi- has anyone heard back from John Muir after submitting their enrollment paperwork for the 21-22 school year? My daughter was admitted for kindergarten, I submitted all the paperwork via email to Carol on April 15 (the first day they allowed it), and still have not heard back. I called the office and was told to email again, CC’ing the principal, and still nada. Anyone else also waiting?

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John Muir enrollment? (May 8, 2021)

Same for us! We also haven't heard back, but are moving out of the BUSD, so we haven't followed up again since the end of April. Initially Carol was very responsive and told us that they were still trying to figure things out for next year and would get back to us (early April when we first received the match letter). But we didn't hear back after confirming all of our documents were received mid-April. Good luck!

John Muir enrollment? (May 8, 2021)

I called BUSD's admission office today and was told that Carol is on a leave of absence. They are working through paperwork now and asking parents to be patient, but that we should be all good if we get everything in on time (I believe the deadline is tomorrow)