Infant daycare near Albany/El Cerrito/North Berkeley

Hi there

I'm searching for a part time daycare for my baby who will be 4 months old in August. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for daycares in the Albany, El Cerrito or North Berkeley area.


Parent Replies

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We absolutely loved Bouchra's Daycare.

My daughter has been in pre-school for almost a year now, but she still talks about Bouchra (and "Baba" Najib) all the time. They are very special people-- so much nurturing and unconditional love for babies, toddlers, kids. Very organized, professional, consistent, and convenient too. She's a block from the Plaza BART station.


I don't know if she is accepting new families, but I highly, highly recommend Amy's Daycare in Albany. Amy Sintchak and her parents watched both of my children when they were young, and we were outrageously happy there. Our kids got a ton of personalized attention. The evening updates were informative. I completely trust Amy and her parents' judgment. A bonus is that our children learned Mandarin. parentsamy9973 [at] (amy9973[at]gmail[dot]com)
