Hypnotherapist or other thoughts for kid with shot fears?

Our 9 year old has recently developed crippling fear when taken to get a vaccination or in need of a shot for dental work.  The  result in a kind of panic attack. Wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a hypnotherapist and/or other experience with this.  For context, he has struggled but succeeded with both these scenarios in the past..  We are happy (as is he) with our dentist so no need to suggest alternatives on that front but any other suggestions based on experience with getting your child through a particular fear would be appreciated.

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As a child I had extreme fear of shots/needles. It took a couple of nurses, my mom and the doctor to hold me down. Eventually I got over it when in high school I got mono and had to have several blood draws. Maybe hypnosis could work. Otherwise I suggest prepping the office before you come and getting a few staff to help. He shouldn’t need too many shots at 9 and hopefully he will grow out of it

I've had a lot of success using resources from The Meg Foundation https://www.megfoundationforpain.org/

They have a procedural pain page that I've used to help my kiddo feel prepared for shots.  I highly recommend it! https://www.megfoundationforpain.org/procedural-pain-resources/

My kid has been dealing with extreme fears of shots too, but it was manifesting as general fear of all things doctor's office (no association with the dentist). She passed out doing the eye exam (panic) while just looking at the chart down the hall.  We had a bit of a breakthrough recently (she is 10).  I scheduled a regular check up for her and her older sister (who doesn't have the same fear).  I wrote to the doctor in advance that my primary goal was for her to have a positive experience with the doctor.  She almost panicked when the technicians struggled with her blood pressure but kept it together, following her sister's lead and by getting more information about the blood O2 check. The doctor did a regular exam and was very communicative about each step and why.  When it came time for the flu shot/covid booster option, I let her choose and she chose to get the flu shot (delaying the booster).  She left feeling confident.  It was a real win.  I hope your kid gets his confidence with the shots!