Housing Accommodations for College Student with Anxiety/Misophoni

My daughter struggles with anxiety, migraines, and misophonia,  (sensitivity/hatred of sounds) and it causes her to spiral downward when she can't be in a dark, quiet space. She was admitted to UC Berkeley and so we are worried about how she will do sharing a room. Does anyone have advice about navigating this? Also, advice for where to get a doctor or professional to give her an accommodation?

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Her own doctor should be able to provide a letter based on her diagnosis so that you can make a request for housing accommodations. It sounds like she might do best in a single, if they are offered. Otherwise, is is possible for her to live at home and just commune to campus if you are close enough?  Honestly, there is a LOT of noise, even in a single, in many dorms, so her sensitivity might be a real issue. I'd contact housing ASAP - good luck to her!

UC Berkeley has a good Disability Services office.  Contact them as soon as possible.  My son's pediatrician had an ulcerative colitis patient that got into a dorm at Cal that is very close to campus in a single that had a bathroom.  If you have colitis you sometimes need quick access to a bathroom.  My son got in touch with disability services when he started college (not Cal), and one time he did need to use the 504 that he had in place, because of a flare up.  You can also contact DREDF (Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund) who can tell you what might be the best way to proceed.  Good luck.