Homeschool Co-op Elementary?

Hello All,

We have recently relocated from Brooklyn to Oakland. In Brooklyn, our 6 year old daughter attended the RAD School, which was a "homeschool collective" where several families shared the cost of a private teacher. Does anyone know of something similar here in the bay? Is anyone looking to start something similar here?


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Hi there,

We are a homeschooling family in SF. My son is 7 yrs old.

Oh, I would love to find/start a Homeschooling group/coop. 

Somethng in the East Bay would be perfectly fine with us; doesn't need to be in SF.

Please contact me via my BPN username.



Also interested in something like this in SF. Anyone have any leads? Thanks


If you are interested in a co-op school (rather than a homeschool co-op), check out Crestmont School in Richmond.  My daughter goes there and we love it.  Because Crestmont is a co-op, there is a high level of parent involvement in and out of the classroom and a very strong community.  There's still a few seats available if you were looking for something this school year. 


SF family (billynare) please contact me via my username; let's talk about what might be possible. There is a need!