Heavy metal hair testing for two year old

We are investigating some persistent health concerns and temperament issues with my younger daughter, and our practitioner has suggested doing some heavy metal testing (using hair analysis, rather than the more accurate urine). I am wondering if others have undertaken this with such a young child, and if so, what it has shown and how they have addressed any deficiencies, excesses, imbalances, or disregulation that has shown up. I am a fan of alternative modalities, and use homeopathy, acupuncture, et al. frequently, but have never gone this route in particular. Thank you.

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Hi,  I have used Dr Roy Dittman & his wife Allison for heavy metal hair analysis.  He's based in S. California, but I worked with him via phone & email.  He's an incredible wealth of knowledge and works with women who are trying to get pregnant and families who's children are struggling with the kind of issues your daughter is.  His email is roydittman [at] gmail.com and his website is called The Brighton Baby Method.  http://brightonbaby.com/index.html.  He's also coming out with a book that is for healthy children, but this is the first of the series on pre conception and perinatal health.

Hair analysis is completely unreliable as an indicator of heavy metals in the rest of the body and has been discounted numerous times over the years. It's just a way to separate you from your money.  

A few reputable references: