foundation contractor

Hi, Like many people we had more water in the basement this winter than usual.  I don't know if we have an exterior drainage issue but, though we have a sump pump, we have water pooling and lots of efflorescence on the concrete walls.  Any suggestions on a contractor we could consult for advice?  Thanks, John

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foundation contractor (Mar 31, 2023)

Hi there,

I've used All Season Construction for foundation work and have been very satisfied.  

Good luck! - Jess Cornejo Flores

Mark L. Corrallo, President
All Seasons Construction
5464B College Ave.
Oakland, CA 94618

foundation contractor (Mar 31, 2023)

You are not alone!  Ours also suffered the same issues (also with a sump pump).  

I recommend you talk to a structural engineer first.  They can likely better advise as to whether a replacement or repair is needed.  Also, depending on the height of your building, contractors will require engineering plans for any work (it is required by code).