Edna Brewer Wait List

My child was just placed on the waitlist for Edna Brewer for 2018/19. Curious if anyone had experience with how many kids got in last year off the wait list. Thanks.

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Edna Brewer Wait List (Mar 19, 2018)

This year's waitlists aren't comparable to last year's so there's no real way to know--the assignment process has changed considerably. The lists will certainly move, and they will likely move much more than in past years at most schools since families can now be on several waitlists. However, the more in-demand the school is, the less likely the list is to move significantly (as in past years). You should have a much better gauge after spring break, since the biggest wave of movement usually happens after the first round of students confirm their spots (or don't). Plenty of kids do go to charter or private middle schools, and their spots will start to open up soon.