Early menopause: can anyone recommend a doctor?

Hello, I recently turned 40 and my ob/gyn has diagnosed me with early menopause based on symptoms and blood testing.  My hormones are clearly unbalanced, possibly as a result of doing many unsuccessful cycles of IVF in my late 30s.  I am having rare but excruciatingly painful periods, chronic insomnia, hair loss, hot flashes, and intense mood swings.  My ob/gyn is pushing hormone replacement therapy.  While I think very highly of him, I'm hesitant to start taking more drugs, as my body is still recovering from all of the fertility medications I took in the last five years.  Can anyone recommend a doctor for a second opinion?  I am already doing acupuncture and seeing a therapist, so I'm open to non-medical ways to manage this transition, but I'm searching for an endocrinologist, integrative doctor, or other specialist experienced with menopause who can advise me on whether a prescription for hormones is appropriate.  Thank you so much for any advice you can share. 

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Sara Gottfried has a book "the hormone book".   She is a Harvard trained MD but prefers holistic/lifestyle solutions.  I read her book which is great, and I understand and that she has a practice in Berkeley,   I am new to the area so I can't confirm that but she would be a great resource.

I had the same problem at the age of 37. I saw dr. Marcelle Cedars at UCSF. She put me on HRT as the symptoms you are describing were unbearable for me. She is now my obgyn as well. I love the fact that she educated me with scientific data and all the pros and cons of my case and the route we were taking. Hang in there, things will get better once you figure out how to deal with this. 

Just wanted to say that I was in exactly the same boat -- a couple years of meds for a DE IVF cycle at age 43, after being diagnosed with early meno at age 38, just before giving birth naturally (my last egg!).  It took me years to finally try hormone replacement therapy, but it changed my life -- 100% for the better.  No more hot flashes, no more sleep disruptions, just me feeling like me.  I know it sounds daunting, but it normalized me like nothing else, and I tried acupuncture, herbs, and diet changes before HRT.  I know you will find your way, and maybe it will be a different path, but I am still on HRT 10 years later and couldn't be happier I went this route.

Make sure they checked your thyroid hormones too (very likely they did, but just in case...). TSH, T3 and T4.