Preschool teacher smells of cannabis

If your preschooler’s teacher came to school smelling of cannibas, would you change schools? Is there any regulation regarding cannibas use and childcare/preschool teachers?

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Would I change schools? No. Would I mention it to the teacher (Wow, do you smell pot in here?) or director (I smell pot heavily in the classroom, would you mind taking a whiff?)? Yes.

I would talk to the director first. It’s hard to change preschools. If you like everything else, I would work with the administration first. 

It depends. Would you change schools if they smelled of alcohol? And, most importantly, did they seem intoxicated by either? Cannabis/marijuana isn't a bad scary thing. Adults use it the same way they use alcohol - to unwind and feel better. But, both are substances and can be abused. Again, the question is not whether the provider is doing it, but rather if they come in to work intoxicated and unable to perform their duties. Also, keep in mind that the marijuana smell is "sticky" and stays for a long time after use, or it could be that it was in their pocket and wasn't used.

I am not a specialist, but I imagine whatever rules are there regarding the consumption of and intoxication by alcohol, similar rules apply to cannabis. That's why it would be great if cannabis would become legal at the federal level - then we would have clear national rules about its consumption, purity, etc.

I wouldn't change schools. I would talk to the teacher to share my concern that they seem to be smelling of cannibas and go from there. It's possible that the teacher uses it for their own medical use or share a household/car with someone who does, but even so, the odor should not be coming with the teacher to school. If you did not receive a satisfactory response from the teacher, or you do but it happens again, I would contact the director/principal of the school.

I would be troubled.  It's not professional for a childcare worker to smell of cannibas use.  Aside from the possibility of more disturbing possibilities, it shows a lack of sensitivity and respect.  It is possible the childcare worker has a true medical need.  I would have conversations with the preschool director.  If it's just casual marijuana use, I would find that unacceptable.

The way I interprete the question is - would you change schools or would you get the teacher fired.

Do the 3 strike rule.

This would bother me. I don't think anyone should be high at work, whatever their job is. Recreational use I'm fine with, but cannabis impairs basic functioning and I want my child's caregivers to have all their faculties intact when they are taking care of my child.  I'd be thinking: Do they take this job seriously? Are they able to engage fully with the children while stoned? Would they be able to handle an emergency while stoned?  I would definitely be looking for another preschool. I would imagine being drunk or stoned while caring for children is a licensing violation. You could call Community Care Licensing and ask them.