Taking classes/meeting people

Trying to take the advice posted lately about ways to meet people, I'd like to take a class to develop a new skill and possibly also make a new friend or two. I'm in my 50s with a flexible work schedule, thinking about exploring a new language or art (both areas in which I have a lot of interest but little experience or aptitude). So, any recommendations? Do community colleges still enroll students who aren't working towards degrees? Is Studio One a better option?  I'd be interested in hearing about any interesting, welcoming classes or programs. Thank you!

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A few years ago I took some woodworking classes at The Crucible. I met some really interesting people, learned some new skills, and got a beautiful table and jewelry box out of it. The Crucible is expensive, but Laney has a well respected woodworking program (although I don't know how hard it is to get into). Good luck!


Piedmont Adult School offers a great watercolor class taught by Wendy Soneson, and most of the people I met there are in your age range give or take a few years.



I just join Berkeley City for a fun class. You can just enroll in any of your choice. It is not easy to meet people since everyone is in their own world or too young... but it still fun.

Also there are the Adults Schools, Berkeley, Piedmont, Oakland. Also you could do a “Meet Up” or volunteer work. 

Goid luck!



Check out the Walnut Creek recreation department.  They offer FANTASTIC classes in ceramics/sculpture, jewelry, fiber arts, painting, calligraphy, mixed media--- you name it!  Excellent resource for making friends and learning something FUN!  Also, I might add that many people come from all over the East Bay- Oakland/Berkeley (not only Walnut Creek area) just for their programs.


Check out the Ollie classes at UCB. I haven't tried them but they are specifically for people over 50 and there are lots of interesting classes in science, art, history, music, politics, all kinds of topics.  https://olli.berkeley.edu/  Have fun!