Childbirth at Kaiser San Leandro vs. Kaiser Walnut Creek

Would love experiences and recommendations on childbirth at Kaiser San Leandro.  How was your experience, do you have any specific physician recommendations, particularly for c-section or high risk pregnancy?  We are considering Kaiser San Leandro facility (which is closer) vs Walnut Creek facility.  Thanks much!

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I gave birth at Kaiser San Leandro because Kaiser Oakland was full when I went into labor. I don't remember the physicians involved because I had an emergency c-section that was very rushed. That said, I felt like the care was great and made a possibly stressful situation go smoothly. When we checked in they only had 2 other active labors going on at the time, so when they were concerned about my child's heartbeat, there wasn't any wait for the team to rush in and assess the condition of me and my kid. 

The aftercare was also really great. The ward was empty so it was pretty quiet. The nurses came by regularly to check on how I and my kid were doing and were great about answering questions. I was happy to go home, but I felt like my time there was as nice as it could have been. I also think Kaiser San Leandro is a good facility that is under the radar because people don't really think about it. 

I Didnt have a c-section or was I high risk, but I had a great experience with my delivery at SL kaiser. I was 8 months pregnant when we moved up from LA area. I didn't have a designated OB doc since I was almost due, so I saw midwives mostly. The day of delivery was  great. I didnt have a midwife on my first kiddo, but had one this time around and I loved her! I was skeptical at first but choosing to have a midwife deliver my baby was the best thing I decided on. She was available for me the whole time, unlike my first experience...I had to wait for the doc to come in while I was crowning! Overall the nurses were great! Anesthesia was good (epidural)!  Rumors had it that you had to share a room but I had my own the whole stay. If you are high risk, then you still have the option of having a midwife but theyll need a doc to deliver your babe. Good luck!! You should take the tour. 

I didn't give birth at San Leandro but I gave birth in Oakland Kaiser. I had a high risk pregnancy and went for a scheduled C-section. Dr. Minikel my obgyn at Kaiser Oakland was awesome! She managed my care diligently every step of the way. Even when she was on vacation (outside the country) on the day of my scheduled C-section she even called the surgeon to check and make sure everything went as planned. The doctor who did my c-section was Dr. Delearue (not sure if I spelled her name correctly) and my c-section was also high risk and I was very happy with these doctors.

I've delivered at both Kaiser San Leandro ('13) and Kaiser Walnut Creek ('17). They were both VBACs with midwives and they were both great, especially compared to my c-section delivery at Alta Bates ('11). Both Kaiser facilities were top notch in their care - pretty comparable in my experience. I was high risk both times due to previous c-section, gestational diabetes, and polyhydramnios. I felt like I could advocate for myself, and also get straightforward feedback and care. The only thing to consider about Walnut Creek is the driving distance and the possibility of getting there while in active labor (happened to me!). Luckily I went into labor late at night, but traffic can be brutal at rush hour. I'd recommend you do the tours at both hospitals, but if you're closer to San Leandro, you'll be in good hands there.