Child Advocate for Mediation/Divorce

Hi - looking back through the posts from 2013, I found this description from a woman named Sheri. Hello."I am also in the process of working out details of a split from my husband and have a 3 year old and 9 year old. We have a mediator, but are also seeing an amazing woman who specializes in couples in this situation (separation or divorce) but her position is to advocate for the children. She focuses on what your child is developmentally ready for and guides you how to handle her recommendations - what to say, how to logistically go about what you will do, etc. She also is helping us with the custody and visitation...what our little one can manage vs. our older child as their ages dictate different needs. Honestly i feel she has been a godsend to us in this situation and highly recommend speaking to her. Another benefit is if you have a PPO you can submit for partial reimbursement because she is a LCSW. Google her, there's a bit of info on her. Good luck!! Sheri" Unfortunately Sheri never posted the woman's name. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to find someone like this? We are in criss and I need someone who can help our kids. Thank you.

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Fortunee Kayra-Stuart is a Berkeley psychologist that also works with children and as a mediator for the courts. She's a wonderful therapist and also worked with my daughter who suffered from anxiety when she was 5. She may be on vacation for a couple of weeks but she may still respond to email. Good luck.

Fortunee [at]

2550 Ninth St., #115, Berkeley, 94710

I have no idea who Sheri is, but I can recommend Chandler Hoffman ( as a possible alternative. 

when my husband and I divorced, we saw him a couple times to discuss child custody issues and found him very helpful. He was definitely focused on what was best for the kids. If you look at his website you'll see he has a lot of experience working with courts as custody evaluator, but he prefers to help parents avoid court process when possible. He is also a licensed clinical psychologist working with kids and families. Really a kind person with a lot of experience and good advice. 

Good luck to all of you.