Obtain dual Canadian citizenship for my child?

Has anyone considered or obtained Canadian citizenship for their kiddo? I'm a dual U.S.-Canadian citizen, and am wondering whether I should seek dual citizenship for my U.S.-born son. It's not totally clear to me what the downsides are, e.g., if there are any tax repercussions. Thanks in advance!

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I am a Canadian living in the US and my kids have dual citizenship (both US-born). Were you born in Canada? If not, your kids won’t be eligible for citizenship. But if they are eligible, I don’t think there are many downsides! Canada does not require non-residents to pay taxes, but the US does.

I'm not aware of any reason not to do it. Our child has had dual citizenship since birth and it's only been a positive, because he has the Canadian passport when we visit Canada and he can breeze through customs. We also hope it will come in handy in the future if he decides he wants to live elsewhere, including any of the Commonwealth countries. In terms of taxes, the U.S. is the "worst" when it comes to taxing its citizens who live abroad, so adding on Canadian citizenship shouldn't impose any extra burdens (i.e., Canada doesn't tax you just because your child is Canadian, if that makes sense). 

I have obtained the Canadian citizenship for my kids. No downsides so far. It DOES take forever!