Berkwood Hedge Middle School

We are considering applying to Berkwood Hedge's middle school for the 2024-2025 school year for our rising 6th grader. Given that the middle school is fairly new, we're hoping to get some intel from current families. In particular, is it a good fit for neurodiverse / twice-exceptional kids who are very bright, but need to work on their executive function skills? Any and all feedback on the middle school would be much appreciated. Thank you! 

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Hi. Happy to chat offline if you want to speak in more detail, but as the parent of two kids at Berkwood Hedge (the youngest is a kindergartner), I am very happy with our experiences in the School. Our older daughter is a 5th grader currently enrolled (she came to Berkwood in the beginning of second grade), and she has some similar super powers/ opportunity to further work on executive functioning. Berkwood Hedge meets kids where they are at with extraordinary skill, compassion, and creativity. It is a fantastic learning environment as well as community, and the middle school is really coming into its own. We plan to keep our older daughter there for much if not all of middle school. The new upper campus is a pretty special place as well. Happy to be a sounding board; this stuff is hard to decide! Best of luck wherever you land.


My child is in 7th grade there (started in 6th, and was at BUSD for all of elementary) and I can only say the executive functioning skills have improved; the school is very neurodiverse literate and has a beautiful child-led learning philosophy. Our kiddo is thriving, and I never once said that during the elementary school years...