Bedwetting teen

My son (13) still has bedwetting accidents 3-4x a week.  Our primary care has ruled out any bladder issues.  Single father and was a bit late with potty training but has been good in the daytime since like 3 1/2-4 .  Anyone else experience this or have any suggestions?  Thanks in advance.

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Bedwetting teen (Nov 13, 2023)

We had similar problem. The pediatrician said the one thing that works is a bed wetting alarm. But it really disrupted the whole family, so we just got waterproof mattress pads and waiting it out. Stopped probably by 14. Though now he's having sleepwalking issues (at 16) and we're going to see a sleep doctor. Both bedwetting & sleepwalking could be connected to a sleep disorder. You could ask your doctor.

Bedwetting teen (Nov 13, 2023)

We had this issue at night until prob about age 14.5-15. The doctor we saw said that it is a much more common of an issue than is discussed. Really it was time, reinforcing going to the bathroom even if they don’t think they need to go.

Bedwetting teen (Nov 13, 2023)

Hello, First and foremost, go easy on yourself. You're a single parent doing the best you can.  My understanding is nocturnal enuresis is not related to potty training. If bladder issues have been ruled out, consider having your son meet with a sleep doctor or therapist, if he is open to it. There could be underlaying issues with sleep issues (sleep apnea or deep sleeping) or stress and anxiety. The young teen years are hard! When I was a young teen, I didn't wet the bed, but I felt compelled to use the bathroom constantly during the day. For me it was stress and anxiety related. Once I learned to manage the stress and anxiety, the need to constantly urinate dissipated. 

Bedwetting teen (Nov 13, 2023)

That can be a sign of sleep apnea.

Bedwetting teen (Nov 13, 2023)

Hi - I don’t have any direct experience with this but if this were my child I would for sure be consulting another medical expert and probably get a new primary care doc. It’s most likely a physical issue and could be hidden constipation for ex. A gastroenterologist might help. 

Bedwetting teen (Nov 13, 2023)

Our son had issues with bedwetting at night until he was 12 or so and what helped resolve the issue was a system with a pad to put underneath the fitted sheet  connected to a device that actually shook the bed as well as making a sound.  Our son was (and now in his 20's still is) an extremely sound sleeper, so noises did not do much.   But the jolting of his bed at the slightest moisture really made the difference.   He was cured of bed wetting in a few weeks.  Best of luck!

Bedwetting teen (Nov 13, 2023)

My son also had bedwetting much later than his peers and we finally heard that constipation could be the cause. We started fiber gummies and that did the trick!

my understanding is that so long as other bladder issues (& diabetes) have been ruled out, the best cure is patience and support — it will resolve within a few years at most. 

if your child wants to do sleepovers or camp, there can be a good response to a medicine called desmopressin — but it’s best used for specific situations rather than as general treatment. 

good luck and hang in there!