Any Reviews of Pear Tree Community School?

There are no reviews for the elementary school. Does anyone have experience with the school past preschool? Thank you.

Parent Replies

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Hi Mima, 

A few reviews have gone up in the last week. The parent community happened to be talking about getting more of a presence on BPN before the school search season, so keep your eyes on it, because I think more will be coming. I know that there are currently openings in several of the grades and next year, the school will serve students up to 4th grade.

We started there over the summer and my daughter has been thriving. We love just about everything about it and I am happy to talk to you more about our experience privately as well as answer any questions that I can. I can also put you in touch with other families that have been at the school longer. Most of the families at the school attended the preschool, as well.

