Alta Bates v. Pacifica Birth Center

I'm due with baby #2, and trying to decide between these 2 places. Alta Bates would be covered by my insurance. Pacifica would not (so it'll cost about $5,500). We can afford it if we really want to, but it'd be nice not to have to pay all that money. I had a great, fast, drug-and-complication-free hospital birth with my first kid, so it's not like I need a birth center to have the fantasy birth I always wanted to make up for some traumatic hospital experience. But, there's no doubt Pacifica is lovely and the care is more individualized and well-rounded. Plus, I'm in Berkeley! And maybe I'll turn into a water-birthing mama or have some self-power epiphany.... Are there any other mamas out there who struggled with this choice? I'd love to hear what you chose and your wisdom you have looking back. 

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I struggled with this decision. As a FTM, I initially didn't see the need for going to a birthing center. I was born via c-section myself, and Alta Bates seemed like a great hospital. My husband actually pushed me into a visit at Pacifica just to see how it was. In my visit, he asked if the "horror stories" he'd read about hospital births were true. The Pacifica staff were actually very humble, and said that the experiences are just different. But one of the other moms said she had her first baby at a hospital, and if it wasn't for her doula, she would have been pressured into c-section (she ended up having a drug-free birth after a lot of stress and negotiation with hospital staff). I ended up going with Pacifica, and was also able to petition my insurance to consider them as in-network so I just have to pay my deductible. Since then, I'm SO GLAD I picked Pacifica. The treatment I get there is top-notch and I feel comfortable and relaxed every time I go in for an appointment or pre-natal group. It's been a completely different experience from the few times I've had to go to a hospital for ultrasound or consult. I really love that I can email whenever I have a question (their online portal is great), that I get to personalize my birth experience, and that I don't have to worry about getting pressured into unnecessary medical interventions. Plus I'm looking forward to the at-home postpartum visit and support network.

That said, you mentioned that you had a great 1st birth at a hospital, and I've heard that subsequent births are easier. From that perspective, I think it's really up to you and whether you'd be comfortable spending the extra money to have a peaceful pregnancy and labor. I would still recommend a doula if you go with Alta Bates, as I've heard that they can be a bit pushy with the drugs especially if you're not progressing as quickly as they like.