Albany TK


We have a 4 year old at a private preschool in Berkeley who is eligible for TK next fall. Since he was enrolled, we moved to Albany and are now trying to decide if we should enroll him in Albany TK or keep him in preschool for another year. This is his first year in any kind of an organized classroom and he is a bit late to the socialization game as a result. I'm concerned moving to a program with a much larger teacher to student radio might not provide the socialization support he probably still needs. He reads fluently and does math on his own so I'm less concerned with the "kindergarten preparedness" aspect but his teachers at preschool have noted (as have we) that he has trouble respecting boundaries at times. Is there a parent familiar with the Albany TK program who would feel comfortable discussing their experience with me? Thank you 

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Albany TK (Jan 13, 2017)

Hi - I am not familiar with the program but thought I would share some info and suggestions.  I have teens and regret not holding them back a year.  They too were ok academically but were behind socially.  Social skills are the mose important piece IMO.  I suggest  finding a structured environment for him whether it is TK, preK or another type of preschool.  Maybe a place that emphasizes social skills more than academics, but with a structured day so he learns how to act socially in a classroom.  I guarantee that you will not regret holding him back. Look ahead into the middle school and high school years and having a grounding in social skills is the best thing a kid can have.  Also, I recommend looking at Communication Works in Oakland as they have social skills classes for all ages.  The younger you start the better.  Another suggestion is to visit with your son the TK class.  Ask if he can shadow the class and try it as well as any other types of classes you might be considering. Also ask if you can observe the classes without your son there, let him shadow without and with you there.  This will give you a feel if it is right for him.