Advice for adult learning songs on guitar

I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction--I would like to learn to play my favorite folk singers' songs on guitar and don't know how to proceed. I have found many of their songs online in either the "chord" or "tab" format and am not sure what's easier. Additionally, I would like to be able to assess the level of difficulty of the song (by chord?) or by...? Are there certain chords that are easier than others?

Thank you SO much in advance.

Aspiring guitar-player

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Hey there! 

So chords v. tabs depends entirely on whether you know the chords or not, like in your head. Tabs will have the picture of the chord right above the lyrics, chords will just have the name of the chord. You don't really have to choose. 

You can do a search for "four-chord songs" and come up with tons of lists online or books you can buy. If you find a version that only has the name of the chords, not the shape, you can print out a version and draw the chords on (or cut-and-paste them into a PDF if you're so inclined). The important thing is really to find out what the chords are, you can always look them up. 

You can also search YouTube for "beginner guitar lessons" or "beginner guitar chords" or "easy guitar songs," etc. There are a ton of terrific musicians who make these videos. 

I will also say that ukuleles are easier, smaller and very awesome... :D 

Why don't you take two or three lessons from my dear friend Greg Pratt? He's inexpensive, plays any style (but particularly loves American roots music) and will point you in the right direction for future self-taught options. His number is 510 708 2536.

He taught me to play, and as I result I can figure out virtually anything by ear. It is such a delight to be able to do this, I can't tell you. (If you send me your email I'll send you a quick video of me playing backup for him, so you can see how far he brought me along.)


Good for you! Chords are easier than tab. Thanks to the Internet you can look up any chord using Google and there are many YouTube tutorials. 

There are definitely easier and more difficult chords. Easier ones (specifically the versions of these chords that are closest to the tuners on the guitar) include: G, C, F, A, Em, D. There are many songs you can play just knowing a few chords. All songs can be "transposed" into different chords (making the song higher or lower to sing). Using a capo, you can play a song with easier chords yet adjust it so you don't have to sing it too high or low. 

Hope that helps!