Admission to CPS - Take Standardized Test?

My child is applying to College Prep this year and at some point they moved to test "optional" where in lieu of taking the ISEE or SSAT they can sit for a proctored, timed essay. Is it truly optional to provide test scores or do most applicants take the test? I'd love to hear any insights from recent applicants or what folks plan to do this year.

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I know 6 students attending CPS this school year and they all took the proctored essay in lieu of the ISEE and SSAT.

However much the school thinks it is changing, it is not. The kind of kid who will excel here is the one who does well on standardized tests. You don't want to send your kid here unless they score or would score in the eighth or ninth stanine of the ISEE (maybe the 7th). Otherwise, they will likely find the work too hard and quite likely be very stressed out, and they won't have the SAT score to compensate for the hit to their GPA for college admission purposes.