ADHD or ADD Diagnosis Through Kaiser for 10 yr old

My basic question--My daughter is 10 and isn't officially diagnosed w ADHD. But we're absolutely sure she has inattentive ADHD.

If we wait, will it be harder for her to get a diagnosis at 11, teen, or adult? Does anyone have words of wisdom about timing and the process used? 

We'd be trying to go through Kaiser. Has anyone gone through the diagnosis process at Kaiser (for their kid) and can tell me more about it? We only got as far as the questionnaire. 

I'm worried we'll lose the Adderall (low dose) prescription we currently have if she goes through the process and only comes out w a diagnosis of anxiety or depression. She also takes a low dose of Prozac and we did try therapy for a not just after meds. Therapy wasn't useful. We tried three different therapists.

Lots of background --

My daughter hasn't officially been diagnosed w inattentive ADHD, but we're sure she has it. She also has anxiety/social anxiety.

We started the process for getting her diagnosed (through Kaiser) when she was 7, but it got really hard very quickly. We had to use an unsympathetic psychiatrist who is one of the few assigned to making the ADHD diagnosis in Kaiser. 

Also, because she wasn't disruptive in class and she was on track academically, the teacher barely noticed her and filled out a questionnaire to only support an anxiety diagnosis. We also had a hard time with the questionnaire. It was badly written.

I'm wondering if we tried to get her officially diagnosed now and failed, we might lose the medications she's taking and the sympathetic psychiatrist. 

Part of the diagnosis process is a computerized test and she can concentrate when testing--she tends to test well--partly due to anxiety. Of course I have no idea what this particular test is like. She'll only get spacey/distracted when she's not in the spot light. So if a therapist asks her questions or assigns her some work, she'll pay attention. It's an artificial environment. 

I swear she has inattentive ADD! I have it and our symptoms are annoyingly similar. I just don't want her to go through what I did as a teen/young adult. 

Parent Replies

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Dual prong it… go through Kaiser & IEP through school. If one says inattentive ADHD and the other doesn’t, ask for a second opinion. 

Our daughter (now 17) went through this process two years ago, and although it took us more than one try to get all the questionnaires filled out and submitted in a timely way (she's not the only person with symptoms in our family!), Kaiser did come through with a diagnosis and the meds have been fabulous for her. I would encourage you to keep pushing; the fact that the Adderall has been helpful may be something you can point to to support your sense that ADHD is an appropriate diagnosis. When we did it, Kaiser wanted the questionnaire from both parents, a teacher, and our daughter, and made a clinician available more than once to go over their conclusions with us. Does your sympathetic psychiatrist have any advice for how you should proceed? Your pediatrician? People inside Kaiser know how to navigate the maze and I've had my best luck by laying out my needs and worries pretty explicitly, face to face so as not to generate a paper trail that could come back to bite us in the butt. FYI, In our family's experience, the assessment tools for ADHD in adults are really poor; they don't seem to pick up how adults can develop workarounds for the challenges they face (like outsourcing executive function to spouses, or tracking themselves into particular occupations, or constraining themselves with extremely limited routines) so that an assessment based on getting through the day's tasks doesn't pick up necessarily how much the person's independence and freedom is being undermined by their struggles. If you can get a diagnosis now, it might be better to keep pushing rather than wait.

This was about 10 years ago, but our child was diagnosed with ADHD through Kaiser. The parents and several teachers were asked to complete questionnaires which were submitted to Kaiser (we did not see what the teachers had filled out), then an in-person assessment was completed. It sounds strange to me that a person with ADHD could potentially “fail” an ADHD assessment, though I’m not a doctor. I’d be doing everything I could to get the proper diagnosis; in our experience it doesn’t get better over time. 

Hi! Wanted to share my experience. Our child is 11 and in sixth grade. Last year in fifth grade, they were having a lot of problems in the classroom, and we went through the Kaiser ADHD process, and they were diagnosed with ADHD. But then we tried a few different medications and nothing had any effect, to the point their pediatrician questioned whether they even had ADHD. I was also not super-impressed with the diagnosis process anyway because it was only about an hour of direct evaluation of our kid (and was remote). We also suspected other things going on, so we decided to bite the bullet and do a neuropsychological evaluation at Summit Center. It is NOT CHEAP, but if you can afford it, I would highly recommend it. The evaluation gave us way more certainty about what was going on - in addition to affirming that my child did have ADHD, it also uncovered things that we would have never known for sure if we stuck with Kaiser (mild ASD, dysgraphia, giftedness, depression/anxiety). After the whole Kaiser process, we really wanted more certainty and a comprehensive understanding of our child so we could better help them. And getting that information, even though it's a lot, is a huge relief. 

As for timing, I don't have any solid info - but my gut feeling is you would definitely want something by high school, when academics get harder and the need for accommodations will be greater. At this point, my child does not need formal accommodations, but I suspect they will in the next few years, and I'm glad the school is on notice about it. Even just having their teachers aware of it is helpful IMO - I have seen a little more flexibility toward them already, even though we do not have a 504 plan yet.

I'm so sorry it has been so hard to get a diagnosis! I really feel this, both as a kid who was tested and found to "be borderline but not actually have ADHD" at age 11, and as someone who was later diagnosed as an adult, recently at 40+. I am not sure if this will be helpful feedback, since I am an adult, but I was diagnosed through Kaiser earlier this year, and I found the process much improved from when I previously asked for an evaluation there. I think I am familiar with the written questionnaire that you might have done a few years back. I also filled something similar out when I first started seeking a diagnosis, and did not submit it, because I found it problematic and was worried I wouldn't end up with a diagnosis, even though I was certain I had ADHD. When I went back for testing recently, the process was verbal, rather than written, and done via Zoom. I found the evaluator and psychiatrist that I worked with to both be sympathetic and lovely. My non-network therapist has also said that she had heard that Kaiser seemed to be doing a better job recently of diagnosing ADHD, especially in women and girls.

Have you discussed the potential for ADHD with the therapist? What is their opinion? If they are in agreement with you, there's probably a good chance the evaluation will result in a diagnosis.  I also want to send some reassurance: I believe if your daughter was already diagnosed with social anxiety and has a regular therapist, I don't think a non-diagnosis of ADHD would also lose you her previous diagnosis and existing therapist. You should be able to easily confirm this with them via email if you want to make sure before you start the ADHD evaluation. 

I would advise to go ahead and go forward with the evaluation at Kaiser, make sure you tell the evaluator about your concerns and previous experience, and if the results are not what you know your daughter needs, ask for a second opinion. If anyone refuses you a second opinion, make sure it is noted in her charts that you asked for one. Then do your best to get an out of network evaluator that has a good reputation for diagnosing ADHD in girls. Ultimately, I hope those steps aren't necessary and the process is easier than it was the last time you tried! 

Any chance you would consider taking a functional medicine approach to your daughter’s spacey behavior? We are having success using a naturopath rather than stimulants. 

Hi! I have a very similar situation with my 10 year old daughter. It took me about 2 years of advocating with Kaiser to finally get a diagnosis. They evaluated her twice and both times they saw the concerns on parents rating and also noted the symptoms in their interactions with her, but because she does not stick out at school, school ratings were not elevated and they would not give us the diagnosis. I ended up going through Kaiser to get myself identified (I knew I had ADHD for a long time, but never pursued official diagnosis). Once I was diagnosed I went through their online class for parents of children with ADHD and then was able to advocate through the provider who gave the class for my daughter to come in for an in office assessment. She did the computerized assessment and did well (because it's novel and she attends to novel activities). They noted mild impulsivity on there. Then we had an extensive talk with the psychiatrist where I clearly outlined all of the executive function concerns, the impact on her self-esteem, as well as my own diagnosis and similarities to her in school. The doctor was still on the fence, but finally decided t give her the Dx of ADHD-unspecified type. It is frustrating that there is not as much attention or awareness to the ways ADHD can present differently in girls. I am happy to chat with you anytime, but I encourage you to keep advocating for her because it seems like they need a lot of persuading if the student is not disruptive or struggling in school. Good luck!

Hi - We just avoided getting the diagnosis at Kaiser entirely. I assumed it would be a nightmare, and your experience so far suggests I was probably right. Our son was 5 when we figured out he was probably ADHD. I don't think Kaiser would even consider testing until he was 6, and of course trying to get an appointment with a specialist was an exercise in absurdity. We went to a neuropsychologist who did the testing and diagnosis and passed it along to our Kaiser pediatrician. So far, everything's been going okay. We're in the process of trying to find the right medication now. If I'm remembering rightly, the neuropsycholgist's testing and diagnoses cost about $5k, which obviously not everybody has lying around. I believe another option would be to go through your daughter's school district. My understanding is that they are required by law to provide support--which should include testing. This website should either have some information or you can email the organization for help. I asked them a couple of questions when we were negotiating the IEP/504 situation at our son's school (OUSD), and they were super nice.

Good luck!!