Looking for advice on how to find the right help!

Hi, I’m looking for advice on how to find the help we need. Both my husband and I work from home, and my mom is the primary caregiver for our almost 8 months old baby. My mom speaks only Mandarin and she’s able to communicate with my English speaking husband about baby. While she does most of the care for baby, my husband and I do laundry, formula, dishes. My mom cooks but as a result baby sometimes is left for self-play and will sometimes miss his nap window because of the cooking. My mom also doesn’t get enough rest during the day because obviously she’s on baby duty. I’m hoping we can find someone who can fill in the gaps so that we all can go about our day without feeling super stretched all the time. Initially I was hiring for a nanny but it becomes more and more obvious that my takes the primary child care duty makes the most sense for our family. She enjoys cooking and needs a nap during the day, and we need someone to look after baby during those times. We also need this person to make solids and do the laundry, dishes, tidying up and light cleaning around the house. If this person can also take my mom and baby out to museums, parks, beaches and easy hikes, that’d be the most amazing. We are thinking of hiring this person for 4-6 hours per day 5 days per week. Rate will be $35-40 per hour. Are there people out there work to support families in what the families need the most, instead of just nannying or house keeping? What are the things that I need to make explicit in the job post to make the hire successful? Is the rate reasonable for the expectation? Please share your experience, advice, feedbacks on how to make this hiring process successful! I could really use some help! Thank you all in advance!

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What you’re looking for is a ‘mother’s helper’. These vary in experience from a highschool or college student to a nanny who wants extra part time work. We have the latter and pay her $32 an hour for helping care for and entertain a preschooler and a baby in the evening from 5-9.  She has been a huge help to our family and everything is so much easier with her around. She also picks up the baby from daycare, cleans up the kitchen, and preps lunches for my husband and I.