How to find short-term furnished rental in East Bay or SF

Hello, I am a returning Berkeley resident back in the Bay Area for my daughter's medical treatment. I am looking for a short-term furnished rental me and my daughter (for c. 6 weeks, now through mid-December). I have tried word-of-mouth,, and; (and finding prices too high on Airbnb and VRBO). Is there any resource for housing that I am missing? Thanks for any guidance.

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Try Blueground. 
they have a lot of short term, furnished rentals.

Can also look at sublets on Craigslist.

Hi there. You can always try to negotiate a lower price with the host on airbnb. Inquire and send them a message. Or even book it (make sure it's cancelable) and send a message to see if they're open to negotiating the price. 

Check Oakwood and Churchill Living. I’ve lived in Oakwood in the 90s and have had co-workers stay in Churchill. These stays were not in the Bay Area but both have presence here as well.

Is there a social worker through your hospital that can connect you with housing resources?