Grandprnt. seeks recommendations for Montessori preschool

Hello, I'm new to the area, from the East Coast, helping search for Montessori preschools for my grandson. The current goal is to continue with Montessori education as far as possible, as my son did. Can parents recommend great preschools in the East Bay Area, preferably Berkeley/El Cerrito?  We also welcome suggestions for any terrific schools anywhere around here. The school my son attended was orthodox, traditional Montessori, with a full staff of Montessori trained teachers.  Is there anything like that in the East Bay Area? 

Parent Replies

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Our three-year old daughter attends My Own Montessori.  We love it -- check it out.


My husband attended a fairly orthodox montessori school on the east coast until high school and did an extensive search of the East Bay’s montessori schools for our preschooler who is now 7. Far and away the most “orthodox” of the programs (& with the most montessori-trained guides) was the Renaissance International School (TRIS). I have no background with montessori education so it’s been a steep learning curve for me as a parent! The program is both dedicated and experienced, and the faculty and administration have been there for decades. I wish there were more “free play” time, but we find that after school :)

Feel free to reach out to me directly 

We are very happy with Rising Sun Montessori School in Albany, an exceptional Spanish immersion institution. The sense of community fostered within is truly remarkable, with parents forging meaningful connections and friendships. We appreciate the rich diversity present, coupled with the advantage of smaller class sizes compared to other establishments.

Nia House is an excellent Montessori preschool in West Berkeley. Students can continue there through their kindergarten year. My daughter (now five) has gone there the past three years and my son will be starting in the toddler program this fall.