Do you use DCSS for receiving spousal/ child support?

Seeking 1st hand experience from divorced parents who receive spousal and child support via DCSS Dept of Child Support Services, especially from acrimonious, high conflict exes.  Either via wage garnishment or just as a service provider conduit?  

Pls share pros and cons?  Any helpful tips/ insights for navigating DCSS?  Especially anything you wish you'd known before you started to adjust/manage expectations and/or save you from more stress and anxiety than already existing in a disempowering, brutal situation?  Since DCSS doesn't help with add'l support derived from bonus tables, I'm also seeking specific experience on what works and doesn't to ensure those payments.  Apart from responding here, would you please DM me if you're willing to connect 1:1 for more questions? 

My soon to be - ex is a full blown covert narcissist, morally depraved and a high wage earner at Google who's been financially abusing me and our son via withholding temp support. He uses money as his main tool of power and control. He controls all of our community assets, has vast personal wealth, and is drowning me in divorce litigation. He's reneged on temp support agreements made in mediation and perpetually violates Court orders re: custody. Essentially, he lives a life of no accountability.  I sacrificed my career for his and am trying to re-enter the workforce after 20 years out.  I'm in contact with DCSS and have caseworker. I've scrubbed BPN but didn't find any info to address my questions.  Thank you for sharing any experience/ reaching out if you feel comfortable. 

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Hello there,

I currently use DCSS. My only complaint about them is that it can take some time to get things going, and my ex vehemently avoided the paperwork sent by DCSS, but eventually the garnishments started a year after I applied (I did this before even filing for divorce). I personally prefer DCSS and chose to have an average over doing true ups for bonuses since I didn’t personally want to deal with the hassle; I especially prefer DCSS since it is garnished from his paycheck and goes straight to my bank account rather than depending on my ex to pay me. I don’t believe that they handle spousal support, but I am not sure about that part.